Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I honestly haven't been on here in forever, or even thought about it. Life has been pretty hectic and crazy. This Summer has been such a treat and delight. The beginning of the Summer started out with my best friend and old roomie Lauren getting married in probably the most beautiful/amazing wedding I've ever had the privelage to go to, let alone be in. Some circumstances came up to where I wouldn't be returning to Russia and it did totally work out for me to go to Haiti. Going to Haiti was probably the most humbling amazing experience of my entire life. It's hard for me to even put into words what Haiti means to me because I feel that no explanation will truly give justice to the experience. I learned more about faith in that two weeks than I have in my entire life. The Lord has now given me such a heart for Haiti, and just the nations in general. I have such a traveling bug and the more I stay in the states, the more I want to get out of them. I realized that since my sophomore year in High School I haven't stayed an entire year solely in the states. It's like I'll have a panic attack if I'm in the states for longer than that. I hate that as I return from another country I so quickly return to living the way that I always have, it's so hard to translate what an overseas experience should do to my life in America. And now as school is starting for me next week, I'll be even further into monotony and the daily life in the states which only deepens my craving to be out of the states and on the missions field. I've really been feeling upset and sad lately about Haiti, it's hard because no one except for Team Haiti understands. That is why I'm so blessed with the friendships I made and the friendships that were deepened through this trip, so that I have friends that can relate to me. I've been very blessed this summer and I'm hoping the fall and school year will continue in this same pattern. That should be enough of an update!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Socialism what?!?!!?

So...pretty much everyday I've been reading and researching about socialism. I don't even know where this passion is coming from, but it's pretty exciting so I'm going with it. I would probably call myself more of a moderate socialist. When I've told some friends about possibly being a communist/socialist...there are gasps and "no ways." I think that these are naive reactions. I am merely agreeing with a school of thought which promotes equality and the betterment of all men, not just the rich upperclass. And the more I learn about socialism/communism the more I start to learn about Russian history and the Russian mindset in general. All good information to be aware of for my next trip to Russia in the Summer. I seriously CANNOT wait for the trip this year!I talk with friends who went last year almost everyday, and the excitement and anticipation is escalating. Learning is feeding me right now, probably like it never has before. I believe the spark that started it all is my Milton class. John Milton was a genius like no other. Some may even say that he was "a serial intellectual rapist", that is an actual quote from my class. If you haven't read Paradise Lost yet, do it!You're life will never be the same! At least read his poem "On Shakespeare" he pretty much murders all the other poets who attempted to do the same!