Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So, when you're sick you have time to do lots of things...such as update your blog. Besides sounding like a dog with kennel cough, life is pretty fantastic. As you can see in the above picture, that is the fancy shmancy new facility I get to work at 3 out of my 4 workdays. Apparently Sacramento County built a very expensive ($25 million)facility that they could not afford to staff. This is where the SSPCA comes in and we staff it. Now, Sac SPCA is running 2 spay/neuter clinics. whoopee! And we're officially open to the public this week. Let me tell you how much more exciting my days will be now that we are open to the public and I'm not just sitting by myself in the front office making phone calls and finding things to do with my time.

Slowly, but surely I am starting to get the hang of things at both facilities and I've been really lucky to work with such amazing people. In the past two weeks that I have been sick I have rekindled my love affair with smutty reality television. I don't care how much you want to make fun of "Jersey Shore", I dare you to start watching an episode and change the channel. You won't be able to do it. The far too tan Italians, with their fist pumping, crazy hair and beyond bad taste in members of the opposite sex, is just plain good television. Honestly, with characters named "Snookie" and "The Situation", how can you not love it?

Well I'm off to do something a little more productive with my last day off...reading. Hope all is well and I'll give a better update later!

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