Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside....

Well, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...and it better since it's only 4 days away. For Sacramento, looking like Christmas has become:

- heavier rain than the facade of snow while squinting at a streetlight at an angle sometime around 10:15 at night

-needing either some sort of heavy alcoholic beverage or a zanex to brave any department store

-rolling your eyes at the hoozy girls who refuse to accept the temperature and still flaunt about in clothes made for a 3 yr old child to wear in the summer time

-watching old christmas cartoons and movies(gotta love the 24 hrs of "A Christmas Story' starting Christmas Eve)

-the need to bake/cook and create holiday treats and decorations like some sort of addiction. christmas is my crack!

-an overwhelming desire to make friends with strangers. it's the oddest thing how during the holidays you can talk to a stranger and you both end up wishing each other a "merry christmas". however, do not try this in august, you may get a creeped out stranger and the finger

-karaoking at The Turtle every weekend. something about cold weather makes me want to be indoors singing to 80s soft rock or 90s hip hop


-being blessed by family and friends who make my heart smile!!!!

Merry Christmas

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Kwanzaa

1 comment:

Lauren said...

merry christmas to you as well! and yes i can say christmas cause i believe in the baby jesus. i hate that i feel the pressure to say happy holidays to the customers at work. i dont care if they dont celebrate christmas, i do damnit!